sábado, 11 de dezembro de 2010

The Box of Chocolate

She was 5, her mother bought some chocolate to give for Christmas... Her mother hide them, because she knew her daughter.
But that wasn't enough. She found them, she thought well the situation. She would be very happy and satisfied to eat them, but sooner or later she would be grounded.
«Well I could wait, and eat other chocolates, but I may not be so happy and delight then, has I'm going to be right now... So I will eat them now.»
She wasn't grounded. She eat few, the rest of the box was shared at supper with a mug of milk.

Twenty years later, she felt in love. She got the guts and told him.

Did she at least knew if he feel the same way?
Was she matched?
Did she lived happily ever after?
Did she suffer?
How knew... Who cares.
She just told me:

I'd rather feel pain, than feel nothing at all.

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