terça-feira, 25 de outubro de 2011

"What's your number?" (2011)

According to the last film I saw, I found the reason for being single (no there's nothing to related to slept with 20 or more man, my vagina hasn't been with so many penis!!), I'm talking about the message passed by the film.
I'm doing it all wrong, I'm looking for nice decent guys (sometimes not that decent... with some issues) but with a good character (just with character).

And in the film the main actress found that the perfect men was her (hot) neighbor who had sex with different women every night.
So I got it! that's it! I've being doing it wrong! I shouldn't be looking for guys who seemed decent, I should look for the indecent hot guy near me and be his friend until he loves me and changes for me. Or until I get a pair of sticks.

Stupid movies! People don't change. They adapt to new situations (at least). I've done it. (ohh god a woman assumes that she faked her qualities!!) it's very boring trying to please others, when other's don't make shit to please you.

Ahhh and by the way when women say men are all the same, that's not true, women should know that, some men are gay.

sábado, 22 de outubro de 2011


Eu noutra vida fui um demónio que matou uma irmandade inteira de anjos.
Se calhar fui Hittler... ou um amigo dele.

E agora ando a sofrer as consequências disso.

quarta-feira, 19 de outubro de 2011


Uuuuu fui eu que fiz. Porquê?
Pq não tenho mai nada pra fazer...

Estou a dar em DoidA.

domingo, 9 de outubro de 2011


I always make bad choices.
And i have to live with it. Until i get another opportunity... to screw it. AGAIN!!
Yes someone said "life is to big to commit the same mistakes, try new ones. bullshit I say.
'Cause the old mistakes, I know where they leave me. Oh the safety of the predictable.
I know I'll get hurt. And I know how it's going to be.
So why bother.
And new ones could be pretty messed up.

Oh well, I will fuck it up anyway :D