segunda-feira, 26 de setembro de 2011

Fresh start...

My new year start's in September. When school start's. That's the real new year.
If you think about it, it's when you've got new teachers, new colleagues, new classes so it makes all the sense to celebrate in September the new year. Right?
You try to vanish some people of your mind (maybe in February you succeed)
And some new faces appear. Maybe friends who knows...
It's good to make some choices for life.

I know, now I don't have school but I think I'll keep it anyway.
Let's plan a hole new year in another country.
Let's begin with a fresh new start.


Quando os sims tornam a tua vida mais emocionante:

Tens rapidamente que encontrar emprego.
Ou uma desculpa para asneirar noutro sitio.

Last night...

You call me for a drink... I laughed. It was to late for a beer, and too early for breakfast. I couldn't sleep anyway, so let's see that drink.
It took you almost half an hour to get to where I was... for moments i really thought you were drunk lost and the best was forget it and keep watching tv.
But you didn't get lost. But you're drunk. Very drunk.
Somehow you manage to get to me.
You didn't give me time to argue.
You hold me tight...hummmm so good!
What happened next?
I could say "only we know..." it would be true for a moment, cause there was a cat, and then some kids getting up for school... and their parents.

It was just like a movie. A good one.

sábado, 17 de setembro de 2011

quarta-feira, 7 de setembro de 2011

Prazeres da carne.

A seguir à lingerie feminina, a melhor invenção é o vinho verde!
Lingerie porquê? É bonita, colorida e diversa nos formatos, mais recatada ou mais sexy, simples ou apelativa, rendada ou simples. Torna o teu corpo ainda mais interessante.
Vinho verde? é leve e deixa-te a cabeça ainda mais leve!
Não sei qual a posição no ranking de coisas boas inventadas mas deve ser nos primeiros lugares.

Bem até daqui a alguns dias :D

I'm not a bitch, I'm just a really bad person.

And that's all.
For now.